Thursday, November 4, 2010


no, i'm not talking about midterm tests. although i'm sure that was figured out by the name of this blog. anyway, moving on. for the next two years of this country's history, i see complete and utter incompetence at the federal level of government. why? because the "tea party" element will hold a gun to the head of anyone who does not view government as operating in the way they'd like it to. (2nd amendment, right?) so although only a mere 4% of the country would consider themselves part of the tea party, they will have a far greater effect on government. from the sound of their rhetoric, the country will have had enough of them at the end of two years. cut medicare (hi rand paul)? privatize social security (sharron angle, we see you too)? that's going to be a tough sell as the first baby boomers are reaching 65 this year. and while something definitely needs to be done about those two entitlements in the near future, holding the entire government hostage is not how democracy works. this country was founded on the philosophy of serving the interests of the majority while retaining the rights of the minority. not for the minority to hold the majority hostage to their will.

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