Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Yes, this post is coming to you as I sit in the living from of a flat just outside München, Germany. As such, the title is in German. But that's somewhat of a digression. I've been in Europe since last Monday, during which time I've been kinda unplugged from what's been happening at home. However, the noise has finally spread far enough and word of the latest gaffe has reached my ears, which must disgruntlement from me.

To be quite clear, I'm definitely not supportive of the death and violence in Syria as has happened by either side. At the same time, the sudden interest in the conflict by the US is nothing short of hypocritical. After almost two years sitting by watching it happen, it's suddenly a big issue? That part sounds unbelievable.

If the situation has somehow suddenly become unacceptable, then the UN needs to go ahead and be the agency to do something about it. Not the US. This is of course sounding eerily similar to Iraq, except this time the weapons have supposedly been used instead of just being assumed to exist. Either way, this is not an area that the US should be wading into. We've already created a new generation of terrorists in several countries, so I see little reason to do it yet again somewhere else. That is all.

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